Welcome to Pooler Bible Church

Pooler Bible Church is a Baptist church. Our mission is for you to experience God, find community, and fulfill your purpose. Here at PBC you will find people from different backgrounds and walks of life. We believe there is great importance in building up a community full of believers that can grow together in their walk with Christ. To help build relationships with other believers, PBC offers a variety of community groups for all stages of life. Whether you are single, married, have children, or don’t, we have a place for you!

Thank you for visiting! You might have noticed a few volunteers greeting you as you entered the lobby. Our team of volunteers are here to help answer any questions that you may have. Whether you are a first time visitor or have been attending PBC for some time, we would love for you to fill out a Connect Card!

We are so happy that you decided to visit and hope that you enjoy your time here at Pooler Bible Church. If you have any children, PBC Kids is the place to be! Fun activities centered around the Bible take place here and are a great way for children to learn about God. If you have any teenagers. we have a great youth program on Wednesdays in the PBC Youth Building from 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm. We also have many community groups that you can get plugged into as well as a men’s and women’s ministry. We hope you enjoy your time here at PBC! For more information, please email info@poolerchurch.com

If you are ready to take your next step spiritually or would like to learn more about Pooler Bible Church and get plugged in, please let us know by filling out the form.. If you have any prayer requests or questions, please let us know. These cards are read and prayed over weekly, so let us know how we can pray for you!

Connect Card

Please fill out this form. Thank you for spending your morning here at Pooler Bible Church!

    I want to learn more about: (select all that apply)*

    Any prayer requests or questions?